Trauma to the lids tear ducts or socket

Lower Eyelid Laceration through the Tear Duct Repaired with Stent Tube Reconnecting Cut Tear Duct

  • The person has obvious pain or trouble seeing.
  • The person has a cut or torn eyelid.
  • One eye does not move as well as the other.
  • One eye sticks out compared to the other.
  • The eye has an unusual pupil size or shape.
  • There is blood in the clear part of the eye.
  • The person has something in the eye or under the eyelid that can't be easily removed.
For All Eye Injuries:
  • DO NOT touch, rub or apply pressure to the eye.
  • DO NOT try to remove the object stuck in the eye.
  • Do not apply ointment or medications to the eye.
  • See a doctor as soon as possible, preferably an ophthalmologist.
  • Gently place a shield over the eye. The bottom of a paper cup taped to the bones surrounding the eye can serve as a shield until you get medical attention.
  • DO NOT rinse with water.
  • DO NOT remove the object stuck in the eye.
  • DO NOT rub or apply pressure to eye.
  • Avoid giving aspirin, ibuprofen or other non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs thin the blood and may increase bleeding.
  • After you have finished protecting the eye, see a physician immediately.
  • DO NOT rub the eye.
  • Lift the upper eyelid over the lashes of your lower lid.
  • Blink several times and allow tears to flush out the particle.
  • If the particle remains, keep your eye closed and seek medical attention.
  • Immediately flush the eye with plenty of clean water
  • Seek emergency medical treatment right away.
  • Gently apply a small cold compress to reduce pain and swelling.
  • DO NOT apply any pressure.
  • If a black eye, pain or visual disturbance occurs even after a light blow, immediately contact your ophthalmologist or emergency room.
  • Remember that even a light blow can cause a significant eye injury.
  • Use eyewash to flush the eye out.
  • DO NOT rub the eye.
  • If the debris doesn't come out, lightly bandage the eye and see an ophthalmologist or visit the nearest emergency room.